Empower your teen with essential life skills through our Tailoring Teens for Success 2025 program! This hands-on experience teaches creativity and entrepreneurship—preparing them for a bright future.
Empower a Girl. Change her World. Change her Future.

Our Mission
To transform the lives of girls ages 11-16 through character-building programs that develop self-awareness, self-management and social competence which lead them to become a self-aware, self-managed and socially competent woman.
What Do We Do?
We provide a holistic out of school experience for upper-middle and high school girls
(ages 11-16) through various programs.
Character building
Engaging character-building programs that focus on building girls' maturation skills, developing them socially, emotionally, and physically.
An opportunity to build a relationship with a one-on-one mentor with the goal to increase academic success, reduced absenteeism and tardiness.
support network
A network of support and resources for girls and parents to further strengthen them individually and as a family.
Tailoring Teens for Success
Self Awareness, Self-Management,
Social Competence, and
Levels of Future Orientation
A safe space for girls between the ages of 11-16 years old.
“‘Tailoring Teens for Success’ provides a safe space for participants to address adolescent issues such as self-esteem, friendships, emotions, body image, tolerance/diversity, social media, and financial literacy...”
Pass The Purse
The Pass the Purse Empowerment Tea is an annual fundraising initiative that assists Girl Talk Foundation in fulfilling its mission by pairing strong, respected, influential Charlotte women who impart wisdom and guidance to a Girl Talk girl they have agreed to mentor; thereby, transforming their lives through this character building program.
Purpose of Program
During an annual tea and fundraiser, six mentors, who are referred to as "Women of Inspiration" offer words of encouragement and pass knowledge to our leaders of tomorrow by filling a purse full of teaching tools that speak to each Girl Talk girls' individual aspirations, which are chronicled on vision boards and shared with the Women of Inspiration and tea attendees. As the premiere fundraising vehicle, the Pass the Purse Empowerment Tea provides sponsorship opportunities and encourages consumer ticket sales to fund ongoing Girl Talk Foundation programs. This character building, social event also features both a silent and live purse auction to assist with fundraising.
Goals of Program:
The Girl Talk Foundation Pass the Purse Empowerment Tea is held annually to:
Build girls' emotional and social capabilities in order to produce positive life outcomes
Assist development objectives through sponsorship opportunities, consumer ticket sales and donations.
Healthy Moms, Healthy Girls
Thank you to our sponsor, Novant Health, and our community partners for making this year’s Healthy Moms, Healthy Girls event great!
Moms and girls learned first-hand how to save a life with a hands-on CPR experience. The theme of the day was adopting a “healthy lifestyle” through smart choices on grocery shopping, meal planning and exercise!
What’s better than mothers and daughters learning about health and fitness together! Girl Talk Foundation, Inc. hosts a free workshop focused on health and wellness for mothers and their daughters. Sponsored by Novant Health, “Healthy Moms, Healthy Girls” event is designed to teach healthy living habits and reduce health disparities in a friendly, fun and informal setting.
The “Healthy Moms, Healthy Girls” event is for moms, female guardians/family members (ages 25-54) who may have limited to moderate knowledge of health and well-being strategies, as well as girls ages 11-18.
Health disparities exist in Charlotte based on race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status and gender, which in turn affect individual and community health. These disparities can impact awareness of health issues, access to adequate healthcare and resources, and health behaviors. Women and girls, in particular, are at increased risk. This series aims to improve awareness and health behaviors related to various health topics.
Workshops Include:
For adult women - Diabetes awareness, mock food shopping experience, meal planning.
For girls - Food awareness – how do you view food? Fitness activity; healthy eating activity.
Become a Partner
At Girl Talk Foundation Inc. we value our partners and sponsors.
To every company and organization that has partnered with us, we thank you for making our events and programs a success. Your generous contributions help us help our girls as they grow into mature young ladies. We also welcome the donation of space, audio-visual support and catering.
Program & EVENT Sponsorship
There are many ways to sponsor our programs.
Pass the Purse Empowerment Tea, our signature fundraiser for the year
Purchase a table or individual tickets for the event
Donate a purse for our silent auction
Sponsor table prizes
Tailoring Teens for Success: It only takes $200 to sponsor one girl throughout the entire 13-week program
Sponsor a speaker, healthy activity or snack break
Girl Talk Foundation is always looking for positive mentors for our girls.
Become a Woman of Inspiration for Pass the Purse Empowerment Tea
Be a Speaker to our girls at one of our many programs or events